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Cenla Alliance For Animals - CAFA

Cenla Alliance For Animals - CAFA

( Member since April 2010.  Listing views:8201 )

    Contact: Suzonne R. Lashney Bryant
PO Box 8641
City, State: AlexandriaLouisiana      Zip:71301
Phone: 318-443-0010
             Nonprofit: Yes
The CENLA ALLIANCE FOR ANIMALS has a mission to fight to prevent animal abuse/neglect, as well as animal overpopulation. CAFA offers a spay/neuter discount program, which makes spay/neuter more affordable for low income households. CAFA provides a 24/7 automated abuse/neglect petline, which allows concerned citizens to call anonymously and report cases of animal abuse and neglect. CAFA then works with local law enforcement agencies and animal control to resolve these issues.

1) Animal welfare

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