green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

Botanical Interests, Inc.

Organic flower, vegetable, herb seeds for the organic gardener!

( Member since April 2003.  Listing views:21922 )

    Contact: Judy Seaborn
660 Compton Street
City, State: BroomfieldColorado      Zip:80020
Phone: 800-486-2647    2nd Phone: 303-464-6464
Fax: 303-464-6468
Description: options include: Organic
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Botanical Interests is a family owned seed company that offers over 500 varieties of vegetable, flower and herb seeds, including many organic and heirloom varieties. Botanical Interests packets are printed with a mini-encyclopedia of information on the INSIDE of the packet. Based in Broomfield, Colorado, this family operated business takes great pride in providing a wide variety of annual and perennial flowers, vegetables, and herbs. You can expect to receive the highest quality seed available on the market. As an added bonus, the package itself is a collectable piece of art along with a generous amount of cultural information on the inside as well as the outside of the packet.

1) Non-gmo seeds

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