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Avi Green Now!

Eco-Presentation Series - Health begins at home!

( Member since October 2009.  Listing views:7552 )

    Contact: Michal Lenchner
P.O. Box 51551
City, State: palo altoCalifornia      Zip:94303
Phone: 650-575-1926
Online ordering: No     
Avi Green Now! is a non-profit and educational venue in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, that offers an eco-presentation series as a community service. Avi Green Now! strives to educate and increase public awareness to living green, healthy homes, greener communities, and healing the planet. We encourage people to get the latest information, learn about risks and options, get many free green resources, and make CHOICES. We provide practical and useful information based on our knowledge, research, and other environmental contacts. We believe that having a safe and healthy home environment, supports healthy families, and helps heal the planet at the same time. Going Green saves money! The organization gives FREE eco-presentations to groups, employers, place of faith, clubs, PTA/PTO groups, and more. We encourage adults and children to take green action NOW. Check our ongoing events at

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environmental products directory  is  OUR   community project.
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99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.
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