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Animal Protection & Rescue League

A grassroots organization which works to expose and eliminate animal cruelty

( Member since February 2002.  Listing views:16005 )

302 Washington St. #404
City, State: San DiegoCalifornia      Zip:92103
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes

The Animal Protection and Rescue League is a grassroots 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in San Diego which works to document and expose animal cruelty occurring behind closed doors, educates the public on animals issues through innovative outreach campaigns, and works with policymakers and politicians to implement humane change!

Since its inception in 2002, APRL has garnered the attention of national and international media, influenced animal protection legislation, conducted numerous rescues of abused factory farmed animals, influenced cities to adopt humane solutions to wildlife management, and created a network of grassroots outreach volunteers.


1) Animal rights

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