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Algoma Natural Healing Clinic

Experience safe, natural health care results

( Member since February 2009.  Listing views:8808 )

    Contact: Candice
45 Grace Street
City, Province: Sault Ste. MarieOntario   Country: Canada    P6A 2S7
Phone: 705-575-7560
Online ordering: No     
* Do you wish to prevent disease and take a pro-active approach to your health? * Are you interested in using natural therapies to promote self healing? * Are you seeking an integrative approach to health that optimally combines conventional and natural medicine? * Are you confused about the multitude of natural supplements that exist and don't know which ones are right for you? * Are you looking for a doctor who will take the time to truly listen to your health concerns? * Would you like to be educated about how to care for and heal yourself? * Do you want a health partner, someone who will encourage and empower you to be an active participant in your own health care? If you answered YES to any of the these questions, please take a moment to learn how Algoma Natural Healing Clinic and your Sault Ste Marie Naturopathic doctor can help you ...

1) Holistic Health Clinics / Naturopaths / Complementary Alternative Medicine / Integrative Medicine

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