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green directory of natural products

Would you like to connect with pre-qualified customers
interested in natural and organic products?


Our Green Coupon Program makes it easy to participate!
We send out an email every month with coupons pertaining to green living: Organic food, Home and garden, Health and Wellness, eco-travel, Natural baby care, more.. You can have your coupon sent to over 4301 subscribers (as of April. 18th, 2012) who requested green coupons, plus over 48,000 consumers who corresponded with or its listed businesses, plus a segment of several 1000 businesses listed in GreenPeople. Additionally, your coupon will be displayed on our website which receives almost 5000 visitors a day.
Our April, 23rd, 2012 promotion is full. Use payment link below to reserve a spot for end of May promotion.
Instructions for participation:
  1. The coupon must be valid for at least two weeks from date of emailing and can be valid for up to several months.
  2. Your payment and banner must be received 3 days prior to emailing. Earlier payment helps guarantee one of the 6 spots in the email.
  3. An upgraded/paid listing in our directory is required - starting at $14.95/year

Banner specifications: Maximum "coupon" banner size is 90px tall and 728px wide. The coupon code does not have to be on the banner, if you want to use a pre-existing banner, I can add your coupon offering onto the banner. Example:

a 728px wide by 90px tall banner, created for $10 by Greenpeople using existing graphics

For $10 I can make a banner using the text, color, font and graphics found on your website or provided to me. (samples)

To reserve your spot now:
Send payment of $25 if you already have a paid listing in our directory. If you have a free listing then you must add in the cost of a listing upgrade - Standard level ($14.95/year) or Sustainer level ($29.95/year) or Premium level ($44.95/year) Credit card  or by   Paypal
GreenPeople directory of eco-friendly products
environmental products directory  is  OUR   community project.
300 Georgia St., Suite #1, Hollywood,  FL  33019
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