green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

Shambala Preserve

Shambala is home to over 60 wild cats

( Member since June 2008.  Listing views:19621 )

    Contact: Chris Gallucci
6867 Soledad Canyon Rd
City, State: ActonCalifornia      Zip:93510
Phone: 661-268-0380    Fax: 661-268-8809
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes      Nonprofit: Yes
The Roar Foundation supports The Shambala Preserve and shares its mission: to educate the public about exotic animals and to advocate for legislation to protect them. To provide sanctuary for exotic animals who have suffered from gross mistreatment and neglect so they can regain their physical and mental health and live out their lives in dignity.

1) Animal Sanctuary

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